Marketing Content, the Contextual Way!

“It’s no longer enough to just have great content; you now need to know how, when, where, and to whom, you should deliver it.”

While the framework of marketing depends on 4Cs acting as the guided pillars for delivering performance, which are; Creativity, Content, Communication and Clarity, this implies that any content has to be formed creatively and then communicated with clarity.

Yet performance lacks the luster sometimes. When probed in, it was found that the intended effort is not brought about in the marketing methods for the reason that content marketing focused more on enlisting the features, benefits & strengths of a product/service. In short, talking about what’s different in it? It is the approach to the consumer, which is more of an ‘offering’, when it should be more based on ‘connecting’. Thus, the focus had to shift to from defining the product to promoting a lifestyle. This is why Context marketing is becoming the new age requirement transcending the need of Content.

What is Context Marketing?

Context marketing is not only upbeat but it’s mutable in nature, meaning serves its purpose through time and accompanies the changes in a consumer’s life and plans, because of having a wider reach of understanding and easy connection with the consumer. The idea of context marketing is that, it makes brands clearly express what they want to communicate about their brands to the consumer in a manner that it sounds more relevant and identifiable on many levels with the consumer therefore, becoming a basic key in the process of Experiential Marketing.

Why Context Marketing?

Since understanding the consumer behavior and delivering the output as expected by the consumer is of prime importance to connect and imbibe the brand in their lifestyle and context marketing paves the road to this smoothly, such that a ‘meaningful experience’ is assured. Thus, the only way to ensure & manage a positive consumer experience, is to keep in mind the context of the customer’s past notions with a brand and future needs & expectations with the brand.

So let me get this straight for you, context marketing is a direction and destination of the content marketed in a manner which helps in successfully engaging your target audience by providing the right content, to the right prospect via right medium, at the right place and at the right time!

When & where is Context Marketing applied?

Moreover, nowadays, it’s the most sought after marketing technique on the internet, by every marketing & management firm just because of its capability to express the what the consumer needs and demands, which not only captures the attention of the consumer but also maintains the brand loyalty from their side.

In experiential marketing, context marketing comes of prime importance and can be most widely used, because it delivers the experience to the consumers by engaging their interests and desires through a written form.

Now how is Context Marketing done?

Well for that…. 😉

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